Make A Difference

Annual Banquet Gift

Making a small, but mighty impact in 2023

We’ve stepped into 2023 with unflinching hope, resolve and confidence. Our uniqueness, our individuality, our experiences and stories bring forward a myriad mosaic of richness. At Mytech we choose to see the beauty in our imperfections and celebrate our differences and thus bring forth our value of ‘Embrace uniqueness”. I love Amanda Gorman’s lines from the poem “The Hill we Climb” and I quote “When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” End quote.

This year we chose to focus on people and in our effort to emulate our mission of ‘Grow, Help and make a difference’, we have chosen to make a small yet mighty impact by choosing products from companies that give back to society.

Two Blind Brothers is a luxury casual wear company that donates 100% of their profits to Foundation Fighting Blindness to help find a cure for blindness. 

At conscious step, we see a world where everyone can create a lasting impact.

we believe that no matter how small, your actions make a difference. the things you do inspire those around you and create a ripple effect of change.

With every product bought, you help build mobile showers for people living on the streets. Soaps from this organization are crafted with the absolute best ingredients, sourced responsibly and formulated with care.

While on a humanitarian trip in Liberia, Ryan and Todd found themselves face-to-face with children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. They weren’t just hungry, they lacked the vitamins and minerals needed to stay alive.

Cookie Cart teaches life, leadership, and employment skills to teens of color
through on-the-job and classroom experiences in nonprofit bakeries.

Check this out

Cookie Cart partnered with Lyf & Nate to share how our services make a difference in our nonprofit clients organizations.