Co-Managed IT

Simulated Phishing & Security Awareness Training Solutions

Reduce setup, management, and execution time while meeting regulatory and cyber insurance requirements with automated reporting.

Streamlining Simulated Phishing & Security Awareness Training

Simulated phishing and security awareness training solutions pose unique challenges for organizations. Reduce the time your team spends on setup, management, and execution, while ensuring compliance with regulatory and cyber liability insurance requirements through automated reporting.

Reduce Risks with Simulated Phishing & Security Awareness Training Solutions

Randomized Phishing Campaigns

Prevent predictable "water cooler" discussions with randomized phishing campaigns. Different users receive varied phishing emails at different times, reducing the chances of employees discussing or recognizing patterns and skewing results.

Comprehensive Security Awareness Training

Cover all critical aspects of cybersecurity with pre-designed courses on password management, sensitive data protection, physical security, and more. Set automated reminders to ensure users complete their assigned training.

User Management Made Easy

Sync users directly from Office 365 for seamless onboarding and offboarding. New hires automatically receive past phishing campaigns and training modules, while users who leave the organization are removed from the platform, ensuring everyone stays updated.

Reduced Administrative Workload

The platform’s automation reduces the need for manual management of campaigns, reports, and user updates. Set it up once for the year, and everything from phishing attempts to training reminders is taken care of automatically.

Automated Reporting & Compliance

Meet regulatory and cyber liability insurance requirements with detailed, automated reports. Schedule monthly reports to be delivered to stakeholders and managers, ensuring transparency and adherence to policies without extra manual work.

Built for Regulatory Requirements

With built-in IT policy support, the platform helps organizations document training schedules, responsibilities, and data retention, ensuring compliance with cybersecurity regulations and best practices.

IT Leaders Collaborative

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The platform automates phishing by sending randomized phishing emails to users at different times, reducing the need for manual setup and ensuring varied and realistic testing scenarios.

Yes, you can monitor who interacts with phishing emails in real time. Automated retargeting is available for users who click on phishing links to ensure continuous learning.

The platform offers comprehensive courses covering topics like password management, data protection, and physical security, which are delivered automatically on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.

Absolutely. The platform generates automated reports that help meet regulatory and cyber liability insurance requirements, ensuring compliance without manual effort.

The platform syncs with Office 365, automatically enrolling new hires in phishing campaigns and training, while removing employees who leave the organization, simplifying user management.

Yes, you can customize phishing simulations and security awareness training to match your organization’s specific needs, while still benefiting from the automated delivery system.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Ready to simplify your phishing and security training? Contact us today to learn how our solutions can save you time and ensure compliance through automated reporting.